Patient Portal
Patient Portal - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is the Patient Portal?
Patient Portal is a secure website that will give our patients 24-hour access to their health information. You will be able to connect with your Arroyo Vista Care team online in an effective and secure way.
Is the Patient Portal the same as email?
No. Regular email is typically not secure. A patient portal is a secure encrypted web portal that allows you to communicate with your Arroyo Vista Care team.
Can I ask emergency questions through the Patient Portal?
No, the patient portal should not be used for emergency health care issues. Please call your Arroyo Vista Clinic directly for any questions you may have. If you are experiencing a health care emergency, please call 911 or visit the nearest emergency room.
Can I send a message about my child (spouse, parent, etc…) through my Patient Portal account?
The patient portal is available to the patient who creates an account. A family member or a friend cannot make appointments or ask medical questions on behalf of the patient. The patient is responsible for keeping his/her account information secure. A username or password is not allowed to be shared.
How quickly can I expect a response to my message?
You can expect a response from the Arroyo Vista Care team within two business days.
I have forgotten my User Name/ Password, how can I retrieve it?
You can retrieve your username and/or password by visiting the Patient Portal website at www.myarroyovistaportal.org. Click on the “don’t remember your user name or password” link and follow the instructions. You will then be able to set up a new password. If you need further assistance, you can contact the Medical Reception team at 1-323-254-5221.
My User Name, Password, or Security Question Answer is not working. I know I entered it correctly. What should I do?
Please remember that all login information (username, password and security question) is case sensitive. If you still cannot login, go to www.myarroyovistaportal.organd click on “don’t remember your user name or password” and follow the instructions. If you need further assistance, you can contact our Medical Reception team at 1-866-616-9344.
I have been locked out of my account, how can I unlock it?
As a security feature, the system will automatically lock you out of your account after 3 failed login attempts. The system will request you to wait for 30 minutes before trying again. If you cannot figure out your password, you must visit your Arroyo Vista Clinic so that we can verify your identity in person. Please bring photo identification with you (i.e. driver’s license or other form of identification). We apologize for this inconvenience, but it’s necessary to protect your identity and medical information.
I have a new email address, how can I change it?
You will need to visit your Arroyo Vista Health Center to update the new email address that you would like to use. Please bring a photo identification with you (i.e. driver’s license or other form of identification). We apologize for this inconvenience, but it’s necessary to protect your identity and medical information.
My doctor sent me a Patient Portal message, but I never received an email letting me know that a message was available. What should I do?
The email notification may have been sent to your Spam/Junk folder. Please adjust your email settings. Even if you did not receive the notification, any messages or documents that were sent via the Patient Portal can be retrieved by logging into your account. You may also subscribe to receive text message alerts and updates about your account via your Patient Portal account.
What services can I access through the Patient Portal?
• Email care team with questions • Schedule and request an appointment • View financial statements/pay bills • Request to refill prescriptions • Access to health education resources
How secure is my medical information?
Your medical information is secure. To make sure that your private health information (PHI) is safe from unauthorized access, patient portals are hosted on a secure connection and accessed via an encrypted, password-protected logon.
How do I register for the Patient Portal?
If you are interested in having access to the Patient Portal, please notify the Medical Receptionist at your Arroyo Vista Health Center.
Can I schedule, cancel, or change an appointment through the Patient Portal?
Yes, you can. Select the appointment you would like to schedule, cancel or change and follow the instructions.
How will I know that my request has been taken care of?
You will receive an email notifying you that your request has been received or you may sign up to receive text message alerts through the Patient Portal. Due to HIPAA (privacy) laws, we cannot email you a response directly that contains any medical information. If you have any additional questions that cannot be addressed through the patient portal, please contact Arroyo Vista Family Health Center at 323-254-5291.
Do messages sent and received through the Patient Portal become part of my medical record?
Yes, the messages that you send within the Patient Portal, and the responses to those messages, become part of your medical record.
I think my Patient Portal account has been accessed without my permission. What should I do?
Call Arroyo Vista Family Health Center immediately and we will disable your account. If you would like to continue to use the patient portal, we can create a new user name and password for you at your next visit. The information will only be given in person, not by phone or email, for confidentiality purposes.
Will my doctor be the only person to see my message or information submitted?
No, the Arroyo Vista Care team involved in your care will be receiving your messages. If your doctor is out of the office that day, your request may be handled by the doctor on-call, or held until your doctor returns to the office.
Will my lab results be available on the Patient Portal?
You will have access to your lab results through the Patient Portal, but for an explanation of your results, you will need to contact your doctor. Some patients will continue to receive a phone call from the Arroyo Vista Care Team regarding their lab results as deemed necessary by their doctor.
What is the Patient Portal Website address?
You can access the Portal by visiting the Arroyo Vista website at www.arroyovista.org or by going directly to www.myarroyovistaportal.org.
What are the password requirements?
Passwords should be eight (8) characters in length, and contain only numbers and/or letters. No special characters can be used in your password.
I have not received a response from a request I submitted to the Patient Portal. What should I do?
Log into the Patient Portal account and see if the information is available in your account. If not, you can send another secure message through the patient portal, or call your Arroyo Vista Family Health Center to inquire about your request. Please remember that the patient portal should not be used for emergency cases. You can expect a response from the Arroyo Vista Care team within two business days.