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6000 North Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, CA, 90042
United States

(323) 254-5221

Arroyo Vista Family Health Center is a non-profit network of community health centers licensed by the California Department of Health Services and accredited by The Joint Commission, providing high quality, comprehensive and affordable health care services, in a compassionate manner, to you and your family.


About Us

About Us

Welcome to Arroyo Vista!  Growing up in Northeast LA, my family and community did not have access to affordable quality health care services, like those provided by Arroyo Vista today. We are proud of our long history of meeting the health care needs of our community. Arroyo Vista is a testament to what communities can do when we pull together and reach out to help others. It is with sincere gratitude that I recognize our dedicated staff, who demonstrates the tremendous good we can accomplish when we have faith in the value and dignity of each and every individual. Special thanks must be given to our dedicated Board of Directors, partners, and volunteers for their unwavering support and countless contributions to our achievements with ensuring a bright and healthy future for our children and families.

- J. Lorraine Estradas, RN, MPH - Arroyo Vista Chief Executive Officer

Our Mission is to meet the current and future health needs of greater Northeast Los Angeles by providing high quality, comprehensive, and affordable health care services in a compassionate and financially responsible manner.

Made for the community, by the community, Arroyo Vista is a non-profit community health center governed by a consumer Board of Directors with a trusted team of healthcare professionals serving the Greater Northeast Los Angeles since 1981. We are licensed by the State of California Department of Health Services. As a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC), funding is provided through Public Health Services Act, section 330, with additional funding from the State of California, Los Angeles County and private sources. We are accredited by The Joint Commission which means that Arroyo Vista has been rigorously inspected and evaluated assuring that Arroyo Vista adheres to the highest standards of quality health care delivery. Arroyo Vista is affiliated with universities and serves as a clinical training center for medical residents and nurse practitioners.


With four locations and a mobile clinic serving every member of the community, Arroyo Vista Family Health Center provides a comprehensive range of medical, dental, optometry, behavioral health, imaging, and pharmaceutical services. Our services are designed for all ages, from infants and children, to teens, adults, and the elderly. Many of our doctors, nurses, and administrative staff come from the local community, and many of us – including our board members – are also patients of Arroyo Vista. Our qualified, compassionate, culturally sensitive and bilingual staff is ready to serve you, listen to you, and answer your questions.


Arroyo Vista by the numbers:

  • 18,000 Patients

  • 190 Employees

  • 4 Health Centers and 1 Mobile Medical Clinic

  • Founded in 1981   

My family and I have been coming to Arroyo Vista Family Health Center since 1987. We now live in Lancaster, CA but we still drive all the way over here to Highland Park.
— Cecilia L.